This is a great song that Cheryl almost never does live any more. The pace is quite brisk, and the lines quite complex. The song is about how your summer would fly by when you were young. Cheryl describes this song as "an encyclopedia of songs". It contains all kinds of ideas for songs.

This song has been recorded by Maura O'Connell on her album Helpless Heart (1989) Warner 26016. Another version by her is on the "Best of Mountain Stage Vol 2" (1991) on Blue Plate (BPM 002CD). Her arrangement is quite similar to Cheryl's.

When Maura O'Connell first recorded this song, audiences would request that Cheryl sing it. For a long time, she would decline, saying they should listen to Maura do it instead. Finally, she revisted the song, (thanks partly to Kenny White) and Cheryl started doing it again at shows. She changed the last line of the first verse from "'cause a pure and golden high is all that I remember", and wrote a bridge for the song. Here is a live version of Summer Fly on YouTube.

I guess this shows that if enough people start requesting a song, Cheryl is liable to eventually start doing it again. It worked with this song, and it worked with Wheel on a Wire. That was a joke :^)