This page contains links to chords and tabs for some of Cheryl's songs.

This page contains links to a series of documents that show how Cheryl plays some of her songs. They are very similar to what you can download from MusicNotes, but different. The versions on MusicNotes show the album versions of the songs, which isn't always the way that Cheryl plays it when she performs. The documents on this page show you how Cheryl plays these songs when she performs them at shows, which is probably closer to what is wanted by those who play guitar.

Let me make myself perfectly clear. That was a joke :^) I don't know anything about music, and even less about what all these things mean. So don't send me e-mail asking me to explain something, or asking some question about this stuff.

These documents are in Microsoft Word format. If you don't have Microsoft Word, or you have problems opening them, you can download OpenOffice, which is an Open Source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation graphics programs that are compatible with Microsoft Office (and its free!) That was a joke :^)

To download the documents, right click on the link, and then select "Save As". Save it somewhere on your computer, and then look at it using OpenOffice or Microsoft Word. If you click on the link, your browser might be able to display the document, depending on what version you are using, the phase of the moon, etc. That was a joke :^)

Official Tabs

These documents show how Cheryl plays these songs in concert:

Unofficial Chords & Tabs

If the song you are looking for isn't in the above list, you can try this site for tabs, which is run by a fan who has tabs for several artists. They are not "official" tabs, but they might be of help.